Tuesday, December 10, 2013


We are all walking through some season of life right now. Some seasons are beautiful and just overflowing with rich goodness and a bountiful harvest. Other seasons may be droughts that leave us longing and searching. Seasons come and go, but the God of all the universe is still relevant in each one. In my western art history class we had been talking about pilgrimage churches, specially, Santiago de Compostela. In in this beautiful cathedral, you walk up the steps to this massive entrance with glorious reliefs of beautiful imagery. There are three portals that you walk under. The portal to the left is on the Old Testament and the portal to the right are images from the gospel in the New Testament, but in the center, the largest portal of all, there is an image of Christ. This middle portal is a representation of Christ's kingdom in the book of Revelation, but what we realize is that this single portal is much larger and in the center of the Old and New Testament because Christ's kingdom has never changed and has always been in the center. Throughout all of history He has always reigned. 
Despite the season you are in or I am in, to simply know that He is still reigning throughout all of history couldn't be anything, but one of the most beautiful and comforting realities. There are really hard seasons of life where we have to "Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly." (1 Cor. 13:13) It is good for us to go through these times. I admire the people around me that walk so faithfully, wrestling God for what truth He is bringing to them in that season. 

Seasons will change, but our faithful God won't.

Here's an image of the portals at Santiago de Compostela. See Christ at the center?? He never will leave that position.

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